
Airport tour

I went to Chubu International Airport (so-called "Centralair") with students as one of our internship programmes. There are many other programmes going to other workplace such as Nagoya port, but this airport tour is the most popular. More…

Secret of life

I have started running. This time I've decided to run regularly, everyday as long as I am not unwell. I was long thinking of the necessity of doing some workout and I had an idea that running would probably be the most suitable for me, but…


The US president Barack Obama made a first visit to Japan last week. This visit attracted much attention among Japanese not only because this was the first visit since his inauguration, but also because many Japanese were impressed by his …

Who is your ideal researcher?

益川流「のりしろ」思考作者: 益川敏英出版社/メーカー: 扶桑社発売日: 2009/09/29メディア: 単行本購入: 1人 クリック: 3回この商品を含むブログ (9件) を見るThe book, 'Norishiro-shiko" (Thinking of margin) written by a Nobel prize winner, Masukawa…

Back to the original

I took a one day trip to my hometown, Kyoto. It was a bit early to a season of colouful fallen leaves, but a huge people were already around. I had lunch with my parents around Heian Jingu, and then I walked around Okazaki area on my own. …

Enjoy the process

I have two research things which currently occupy my mind. One is the paper I must submit next month but I have't even started writing. (I planned to start this Monday, but I haven't. I've revised the plan - starting tomorrow!)The other is…

Unfading Sun

I watched a movie called "Shizumanu-Taiyo" (Unfading Sun) written by Yamazaki Toyoko. I've heard the title and its author before, but I didn't have any idea of what this is about. The film starts by a very shocking scene of the 1985 air cr…

Preparing for a conference paper

The day for my conference presentation about L2 motivation is approaching. Despite this, I had been occupied by the other research on explicit and implicit learning. As this is currently the most primary topic, it is very difficult for me …

Visitors from Canada

We have a lot of visitors from our partner schools recently. A couple of weeks ago, one came from US, and today we had one from Canada (We will have another visitor from the other Canadian university next week). As I am a member of the Int…

Resume blogging!

I have been always thinking that I have to resume the blog. I actually tried to write many times, but everytime I tried, I gave up writing up in the middle. I never finished even one entry. I don't know why, but I could keep blogging when …