Enjoy the process

I have two research things which currently occupy my mind. One is the paper I must submit next month but I have't even started writing. (I planned to start this Monday, but I haven't. I've revised the plan - starting tomorrow!)

The other is to prepare for a paper presentation next month, which I made a rough draft last weekend. This research is still in the process of data collection, so what we present this time is just a part of the whole picture.

This area - L2 motivation - is completely new to me, so I don't have 100% confident about my research design and the chosen way of research method. Yesterday I asked my senior colleague and was suggested that the statistical tool I have chosen may not be appropriate! So, I read the relevant statistics books searching for the right way from the morning and reanalysed the data.

I'm not a statistician, so this is very tough - trying to understand mathematical equations. I feel like beating my dull cow with a stick.

But I also think this attempt definitely opens up my capacity. As my brain gets tired, I can feel new neural networks have been created. This is a great moment.

I haven't found the right solution, so I still have some worries about the research. But certainly I'm enjoying the process of the research. I believe happiness lies in a moment of enjoyment, not the successful past or achievement. If I can keep enjoying, I'll get a satisfying outcome, it is not always successful though.